Cress Microgreens

from CA$4.25
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This spicy, herbaceous sprout is related to mustard and adds a wonderful, complex flavour to eggs, sandwiches, or salads. Organic cress boasts excellent nutrition and is high in antioxidants.

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1 TBSP = 1-2 cups of sprouts. 


Vitamins: A, C, E.

Minerals: Iron, folic acid, calcium


  1. Soak 1 cup of barley for 2-3 hours per 10”x10” tray. 

  2. Spread seed in sprouting tray, moisten, and cover with black out dome or foil. 

  3. Alternatively, fill a growing tray with growing medium, or soil, and place seed on moistened soil.

  4. Keep dark for about 4 days, moistening with water as needed.

  5. Remove lid when sprouts are 3/4”-1” tall. 

  6. Allow to grow for a few more days until grass is about 4”-6” tall and dark green.

This sprout seed has been sourced from a supplier who tests every lot for pathogen detection in the 99.999+ range. It has been sanitized in hypochlorite solution, which does not change the organic designation of the seed, and is recommended and approved by the FDA. Effluent water is tested for pathogens and no seed is released for resale until negative results are obtained.